
Name Description Type Required Default
startDate The beginning date of the initially selected date range.If you provide a string, it must match the date format string set in your locale setting String false today
endDate - String false today
presets Set predefined date ranges the user can select from.The range of each object an array with two dates representing the bounds of the range. Array false defaultPresets
opens Whether the picker appears aligned to the left, to the right, or centered under the HTML element it's attached to. String false "left"
showCustomRangeLabel Displays "Custom Range" at the end of the list of predefined ranges, when the ranges option is used.This option will be highlighted whenever the current date range selection does not match one of the predefined ranges.Clicking it will display the calendars to select a new range. Boolean false false
showYearSelect Show year select boxes above calendars to jump to a specific year. Boolean false false
minYear The minimum year shown in the dropdowns when showYearSelect is set to true. String false currentYear -100
maxYear The maximum year shown in the dropdowns when showYearSelect is set to true. String false currentYear + 100
autoApply Hide the apply and cancel buttons, and automatically apply a new date range as soon as two dates are clicked. Boolean false true


Event Name Description Parameters
change - -


Name Description Default Slot Content
input - -