# Oracle 适配(Strapi.js (opens new window))
本文作者shaxm (opens new window), 特别感谢他的辛勤写作和探索
以下适用于luban-h5的v1.8.1 以上版本 1.8.1 (opens new window) (2020-01-12)
- 安装 oracledb 模块
npm install oracledb
- back-end\h5-api\config\environments\development\database.json
"defaultConnection": "default",
"enabled": true,
"connections": {
"default": {
"connector": "bookshelf",
"settings": {
"client": "oracledb",
"connectString": "ip:port/orcl",
"username": "\"luban\"",
"password": "your password",
"charset": "utf8"
"options": {
"debug": true,
"pool": {
"acquireTimeoutMillis": 60000,
"min": 0,
"max": 7
"acquireConnectionTimeout": 600000,
"useNullAsDefault": true,
"fetchAsString": ["clob"]
- back-end\h5-api\node_modules\bookshelf\lib\sync.js
// Sync
// ---------------
'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const validLocks = ['forShare', 'forUpdate'];
function supportsReturning(client = {}) {
if (!client.config || !client.config.client) return false;
return ['postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg', 'oracle', 'mssql', 'oracledb'].includes(client.config.client);
/* eslint-disable prefer-template */
// Array of supported clients.
const CLIENTS = [
ssl: _.get(connection.settings, 'ssl', false),
timezone: _.get(connection.settings, 'timezone', 'utc'),
filename: _.get(connection.settings, 'filename', '.tmp/data.db'),
connectString: _.get(connection.settings, 'connectString'),
// Resolve path to the directory containing the database file.
const fileDirectory = options.connection.filename
? path.dirname(path.resolve(strapi.config.appPath, options.connection.filename))
: '';
switch(options.client) {
case 'oracledb':
options.fetchAsString = _.get(connection.options, 'fetchAsString', []);
- back-end\h5-api\node_modules\knex\lib\query\builder.js
if (arguments.length === 2) {
value = operator;
operator = '='; // If the value is null, and it's a two argument query,
// we assume we're going for a `whereNull`.
if ((this.client.config.client === 'oracledb' && (typeof value === "undefined" || value === '')) || value === null) {
return this.whereNull(column);
} // lower case the operator for comparison purposes
// If the value is still null, check whether they're meaning
// where value is null
if ((this.client.config.client === 'oracledb' && (typeof value === "undefined" || value === '')) || value === null) {
// Check for .where(key, 'is', null) or .where(key, 'is not', 'null');
if (checkOperator === 'is' || checkOperator === 'is not') {
return this._not(checkOperator === 'is not').whereNull(column);
} // Push onto the where statement stack.
6. back-end\h5-api\node_modules\strapi-connector-bookshelf\lib\mount-models.js
const getDatabaseName = connection => {
const dbName = _.get(connection.settings, 'database');
const dbSchema = _.get(connection.settings, 'schema', 'public');
switch (_.get(connection.settings, 'client')) {
case 'sqlite3':
return 'main';
case 'pg':
return `${dbName}.${dbSchema}`;
case 'mysql':
return dbName;
case 'oracledb':
return _.get(connection.settings, 'username').replace(/"/g, '');
return dbName;
- back-end\h5-api\node_modules\strapi-connector-bookshelf\lib\buildDatabaseSchema.js
const uniqueColName = (table, key) => generateCombinedName('unique', table, key); //`${table}_${key}_unique`;
function generateCombinedName(postfix, name, subNames) {
const crypto = require('crypto');
const limit = 30;
if (!Array.isArray(subNames)) subNames = subNames ? [subNames] : [];
const table = name.replace(/\.|-/g, '_');
const subNamesPart = subNames.join('_');
let result = `${table}_${
subNamesPart.length ? subNamesPart + '_' : ''
if (result.length > limit) {
`Automatically generated name "${result}" exceeds ${limit} character ` +
`limit for Oracle. Using base64 encoded sha1 of that name instead.`
// generates the sha1 of the name and encode it with base64
result = crypto
.replace('=', '');
return result;